Thursday, September 3, 2020

Comparing Male and Female Relationships in Cat in The Rain and Hills Li

Looking at Male and Female Relationships in Cat in The Rain and Hills Like White Elephants by Hemingway This relationship is analyzed intently in two short stories. The accounts, Cat in The Rain, and Hills Like White Elephants, both show a man and a lady in what is by all accounts a peaceful and latent second. Anyway in the two stories, Hemingway cautiously utilizes symbolism and nuance to pass on to the peruser that the relationship in the story is defective, and is obviously broken. Both male characters in a difficult situation understanding their ladies, and it is this failure to see them and what they need that Hemingway is tending to and criticizng. What, in the two works, gives off an impression of being a very and latent second, is as a general rule an essential point in every relationship, and neither one of the men appears to acknowledge it. Â For instance, Cat In The Rain determines what is by all accounts a straightforward story of an American couple going through a blustery evening inside their lodging. This basic set up fills in as an extraordinary similitude for what has all the earmarks of being the couples relationship. Outside it's monstrous and dark. Furthermore, nothing is going on inside. Structure the asking, we can see that their is a settled break in the connection among George and his anonymous spouse. The lady sees a feline remaining in the downpour, and discloses to her better half (who is being non informative and sits aside perusing, the entire time) I'm going down and get that kitty(129). Hemingway composes the reaction of the Husband as 'I'll do it, her better half offered from the bed(129). The way that George appears to be so disengaged, and puts forth no attempt in getting up unmistakably gives us that his offer her amounts to nothing. He is essentially experiencing a mechanical movement of appearin g to tune in and care, with out pestering ... ...tle bit of light she needs. Â All in all, neither of these accounts truly gives any would like to their particular connections. It appears that the two cases include men who have long previously overlooked and undervalued their friends and family, and have harmed them and not seen that hurt. Hemingway is by all accounts revealing to us that they key to continue relating is to tune in, however tune in with expectation. Both the ladies in these accounts are tragic, harmed and desolate. Those are qualities Hemingway appears to have expounded on various occasions, however they go over perfectly in these stories that from the outset appear to be little and irrelevant, yet genuinely offer a depiction into its feelings characters, and into our own too. Works Cited The Complete Short Stories Of Ernest Hemingway. The Fianca Vigia Edition. Scribner Paperback Fiction. Distributed By Simon and Schuster. New York, NY.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lab report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Lab report - Essay Example The apportion of the expansion long to the first length is alluded to as elastic strain. Thus, modulus of flexibility of the material is acquired by finding the apportion between malleable anxiety. The estimation of expansion of a material before it snaps empowers the order of the material or example as malleable or fragile. The yield quality of a flexible material is gotten when the development is 0.2 percent. So as to comprehend the conduct of materials under high pressure or stacking rates, sway test is finished. Effect tests are normally done utilizing Izod or Charpy methodology. Effect test on steel and plastic targets setting up their strength. Effect test decides the conduct of a material under high feelings of anxiety that incorporate pressure/torsion and twisting of the material. An example in sway test is broken by a solitary blow is an exceptionally planned gadget. The vitality spent in breaking the example in a solitary blow is the nature of the material or example. The property of a material shifts with variety in temperature, along these lines leading the examination at various temperatures takes into consideration the assurance of progress in properties of the material as temperature changes. Steel has a yield estimation of 43 ksi, which is roughly equivalent to the normal worth. Additionally, the rigidity and strain just as extreme quality before the material snaps are roughly equivalent to estimated esteem. The modulus of flexibility of aluminum estimated esteem tends towards 11 Msi as it approaches power six, which is seen as equivalent worth. The deliberate an incentive for Plexiglas is extremely near anticipated an incentive as found in Table 1. The temperature of the example influences sway test on the example. Subsequently, so as to decide the impact of temperature on sway test, a comparable example is tried under two unique temperatures. The deliberate worth or conduct of the example at two

Friday, August 21, 2020

Paul A Samuelson Essay Example For Students

Paul A Samuelson Essay Samuelson has offered the world numerous monetary hypotheses. One territory he is generally known for is his perspectives on the spending multiplier. Samuelson has introduced a path through his total interest model to exhibit how the spending multiplier influences singular sorts of spending. There are a few segments of total interest. The reason for understanding this model is as per the following:? An expansion in costs causes a drop in family unit resources, accordingly making shoppers spend less. ? Increments in household costs decrease sends out, which causes an expansion in spending on imports. ? The loan cost impact is when costs increment, as does the interest for cash, accordingly expanding the financing cost. This powers a descending weight on venture and acquisition of tough products. Consequently, venture, fares and utilization are altogether conversely identified with evaluating. In Samuelson’s model, government spending was the main steady. This implies the administration will consistently purchase a similar measure of merchandise regardless of what the cost. The total interest plan is subsequently, the aggregate of utilization, venture, government buys and trades. The diagram beneath delineates the total interest plan. LevelConsumptionInvestmentGov. PurchasesExportsReal ExpendituresSamuelson utilized this model to exhibit how changes in these parts would affect genuine uses. For instance, the diagram beneath shows the outcomes if the legislature expanded its buys by $200 billion. LevelConsumptionInvestmentGov. PurchasesExportsReal ExpendituresA $200 billion ascent in government buys prompts a $300 billion increment in utilization. It will likewise lessen trades by $100 billion. At the point when the complete changes in the segments have occurred, the genuine uses will increment by $400 billion at each value level. Samuelson additionally utilized this model to exhibit the impact changes in charge sums could have. Assessments are not one of the parts of the total interest recipe, yet they do affect utilization and imports. In the event that duties increment, families have less cash for household buys. Following is a graph that delineates a $200 billion increment in taxes:LevelConsumptionInvestmentGov. PurchasesExportsReal ExpendituresA $200 billion increment in expenses would subsequently bring about a reduction in utilization and an expansion in sends out. The genuine uses would then be $200 billion less in each value level. This model was previously the standard for determining these kinds of modifications. It has been scrutinized, in any case, for excluding any of the circuitous manners by which government spending and duties can influence the economy. The model despite everything has pertinence while looking at how the legislature can give adjustment to the general economy. In his book Foundations of the Free Market System, Paul Anthony Samuelson underscored the significance of science ideas in the investigation of financial matters. Samuelson was likewise cleared up in the Keynesian transformation. The Nobel prizewinner in financial aspects in 1970, Samuelson thought of it as an invaluable bit of leeway to have gotten a careful establishing in old style financial matters (Samuelson, PG). Samuelson, similar to Keynes, was an all out traditionalist. He concurred that Keynes had two essential inspirations, one of which was to decimate the worker's organizations and the other one was to keep up the free market. Samuelson apparently obliged Keynes, whose entire thought was to have a feeble government that would sit idle in any case, through expense and spending arrangements, keep up the balance of the free market. Keynes was known as the genuine dad of the neoconservatism development (Anonymous bio.html). Samuelson was against the universe of unregulated free market private enterprise. He felt that if we somehow happened to take a gander at the conduct of monetary markets, we would find that as opposed to inclining toward harmony, costs keep on fluctuating comparative with the desires for purchasers and merchants. There are drawn out periods when costs are moving ceaselessly from any hypothetical harmony. Regardless of whether they in the long run demonstrate a propensity to restore, the harmony isn't equivalent to it would have been without the interceding time frame. However the idea of balance perseveres. It is anything but difficult to perceive any reason why: without it, financial matters couldn't state how costs are resolved (Soros 45). Samuelson focused on that without harmony, the dispute that free markets lead to the ideal allotment of assets loses its defense. The as far as anyone knows logical hypothesis that has been utilized to approve it ends up being an aphoristic structure whose ends are contained in its suspicions and are not really bolstered by the exact proof. The likeness to Marxism, which

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Making Your MBA Essays Do “Double Duty”

With the new MBA essay questions coming out, you may be starting to sketch out your answers. Of course first and foremost answer the given questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. But how can your essays work for you to the max, especially when the questions dont seem to provide opportunities to portray experiences, skills, qualities, or insights that you deem important to your profile? You make the essays do double duty. In other words, while answering the question, you also are incorporating points that will strengthen your application even if they arent specifically requested. You might think, if the program doesnt ask for something, doesnt it mean that factor isnt important to the program? Not necessarily. For example, a school may not have a specific essay asking about teamwork, but almost any MBA program would value outstanding skill in this area. Ditto creative problem-solving, ditto cross-cultural communication, ditto meaningful breadth of experience e.g., youve worked in both matrix and hierarchical organizations and youve developed some pretty interesting insights from the contrasting experiences. So how do you wrestle your essays into double duty? Lets use Columbias essays as an example. Essay 1: What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA goals? How will Columbia Business School help you achieve these goals? (Recommended 750 word limit) Essay 2: Please tell us about yourself and your personal interests. The goal of this essay is to get a sense of who you are, rather than what you have achieved professionally. (Recommended 500 word limit) Optional essay: Is there any further information that you wish to provide to the Admissions Committee? (Please use this space to provide an explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or your personal history.) First, review Linda Abrahams basic tips for answering these questions. After you develop your main answers, think about whats left out thats important to your profile. Lets say you recently helped to integrate a newly acquired Malaysianenterprise into your companys German subsidiary. Your facilitating role evolved into an informal leadership role due to your cross-cultural communication skills and proactive, creative problem solving. Its a differentiating experience, you learned a lot, and your self-perception as a leader grew. Where can you weave this in? You want to keep essay 2 for non-work experiences. And this experience isnt directly related to your goals IT management. In the optional you need to discuss an F in Beginning Farsi. There are two options for your Malaysian-German integration: Use the goals essay. Even though this experience may not directly relate to your goal, mine it for relevant content, such as skills and perspective gained that would apply in your future roles. Of course, you wont describe the experience at length (because the question doesnt ask about your background), but the brief sketch would still stand out. And if you do it artfully, it will show youre resourceful. Use the optional essay. You can have more than one point here. So first discuss your F (point 1). Then add a point 2, stating directly that this pivotal experience was formative,deepened your business perspective, and is an essential component of your profile. Then describe the experience and add the insights, growth, and perspective gained from it the latter are what you will contribute to the MBA learning environment. If you have questions about your application strategy, sign up for Accepteds MBA Admissions Telethon on July 22. You will receive a free 15-minute consultation. The telethon is a great way for you to get answers to your most urgent application questions and check out Accepted. All at no cost and when you can still take advantage of our Early-Bird Special 10% off through July 31 if you decide to use our services. By Cindy Tokumitsu, co-author of The Finance Professionals Guide to MBA Success, The Consultants Guide to MBA Admission, The EMBA Edge,and author of several articles and the free, email mini-course, Ace the EMBA.Also author of the NEW online mini-course, Best MBA Programs: A Guide to Choosing the One for You.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Introduction to the Custom of Sati

Sati or suttee is the ancient Indian and Nepalese practice of burning a widow on her husbands funeral pyre or burying her alive in his grave. This practice is associated with Hindu traditions.  The name is taken from the goddess Sati, wife of Shiva, who burned herself to protest her fathers ill-treatment of her husband.  The term sati can also apply to the widow who commits the act. The word sati comes from the feminine present participle of the Sanskrit word  asti, meaning she is true/pure.  While it has been most common in India and Nepal, examples have occurred in other traditions from as far afield as Russia, Vietnam, and Fiji. Pronunciation: suh-TEE or SUHT-ee Alternate Spellings: suttee Seen as a Proper Finale to a Marriage According to custom, Hindu sati was supposed to be voluntary, and often it was seen as the proper finale to a marriage. It was considered to be the signature act of a dutiful wife, who would want to follow her husband into the afterlife. However, many accounts exist of women who were forced to go through with the rite. They may have been drugged, thrown into the fire, or tied up before being placed on the pyre or into the grave. In addition, the strong societal pressure was exerted on women to accept sati, particularly if they had no surviving children to support them. A widow had no social standing in traditional society and was considered a drag on resources. It was almost unheard-of for a woman to remarry after her husbands death, so even very young widows were expected to kill themselves. History of Sati Sati first appears in the historical record during the reign of the Gupta Empire, c. 320 to 550 CE.  Thus, it may be a relatively recent innovation in the extremely long history of Hinduism. During the Gupta period, incidents of sati began to be recorded with inscribed memorial stones, first in Nepal in 464 CE, and then in Madhya Pradesh from 510 CE. The practice spread to Rajasthan, where it has happened most frequently over the centuries. Initially, sati seems to have been limited to royal and noble families from the Kshatriya caste (warriors and princes). Gradually, however, it percolated down into the lower castes. Some areas such as Kashmir became particularly known for the prevalence of sati among people of all classes and stations in life. It seems to have really taken off between the 1200s and 1600s CE. As the Indian Ocean trade routes brought Hinduism to Southeast Asia, the practice of sati also moved into new lands during the 1200s to 1400s. An Italian missionary and traveler recorded that widows in the Champa kingdom of what is now Vietnam practiced sati in the early 1300s. Other medieval travelers found the custom in Cambodia, Burma, the Philippines, and parts of what is now Indonesia, particularly on the islands of Bali, Java, and Sumatra. In Sri Lanka, interestingly, sati was practiced only by queens; ordinary women were not expected to join their husbands in death. The Banning of Sati Under the rule of the Muslim Mughal emperors, sati was banned more than once. Akbar the Great first outlawed the practice around the year 1500; Aurangzeb tried to end it again in 1663, after a trip to Kashmir where he witnessed it. During the European  colonial period, Britain, France, and the Portuguese all tried to stamp out the practice of sati. Portugal outlawed it in Goa as early as 1515. The British East India Company imposed a ban on sati in the city of Calcutta only in 1798. To prevent unrest, at that time the BEIC did not allow Christian missionaries to work within its territories in India.  However, the issue of sati became a rallying point for British Christians, who pushed legislation through the House of Commons in 1813 to allow missionary work in India specifically to end practices like sati.   By 1850, British colonial attitudes against sati had hardened. Officials like Sir Charles Napier threatened to hang for murder any Hindu priest who advocated or presided over a widow-burning. British officials put intense pressure on the rulers of the princely states to outlaw sati, as well. In 1861, Queen Victoria issued a proclamation banning sati throughout her domain in India. Nepal officially banned it in 1920. Prevention of Sati Act Today, Indias  Prevention of Sati Act  (1987) makes it illegal to coerce or encourage anyone to commit sati. Forcing someone to commit sati can be punished by death. Nonetheless, a small number of widows still choose to join their husbands in death; at least four instances have been recorded between the year 2000 and 2015. Examples In 1987, a Rajput man was arrested after the sati death of his daughter-in-law, Roop Kunwar, who was just 18 years old.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Concept Of Value Creation The Npv Of A Dswh For East...

has been made to generalize the NPV of a DSWH for east coastal region of India. Traditionally NPV has been location specific but in this study, effort has been made to generalize NPV for east coastal region of India. A dedicated risk model for Monte Carlo simulation of a DSWH has been developed using Microsoft excel 2013 and validated using @Risk7,a commercial software for risk modeling and simulation. 2. Concept of value Creation: 2.1 Various schools of thought of value: Value creation is a very crucial concept in business. Entrepreneurs are continuously putting a lot of effort to create sustainable value. Business is all about creating sustainable value. Different subjects: marketing management, operation management, finance and economics aim at creating value in their respective domain. These subjects look at value from their own school of thought but more or less when it is to be quantified for decision making, we talk about net present value. Few ways to define value are as below [22-24] Strategy: (1) Operation: (2) Economics: (3) Finance: (4) Using logic and from the first principle following formula has been formulated exclusively for a DSWH in general NPV : (5) This Eq. No. 5 can be used for a simple domestic water heater. For simplicity and without sacrificing much accuracy, salvage value (s) can be taken as zero. In case NPV is greater than zero, project can be accepted and if it is negative it has to be

National Labor Relations Board free essay sample

A few days ago, there was a vote on a controversial policy to permit changing workplace election rules regarding votes on union representation. The proposed rule at issue was the shortening of the amount of time between a union filing a petition to hold an election for union representation and the actual vote. While the vote was heavily favored by union and labor lobbyists, it was opposed by most business groups. Because most employers do not hear about the vote until they are notified by the NLRB, the shortening of the amount of time between the petition and the actual vote is very important. Each side has many important actions to take prior to an election. In terms of the union organizers, there is much that they need to do prior to the election. Before the vote can even happen, the union must collect authorization cards from 30 percent of the employees (saying they agree to be in a union). The union must then file a petition with the NLRB who becomes the referee in the process. Once this is done, the employer is notified to address any issues raised by the petition, such as the legitimacy of the petition signatures, which employees to include in the proposed bargaining unit, and so forth. The union must then prove there is an adequate showing of interest for the union (usually done with authorization cards). This is the most important thing the union must do before an election. If the union cannot gather enough interest from employees, then the petition is dismissed and the election will not happen. The time between the petition and vote really comes into play with the employers. In most cases, the employers do not know about the petition and vote until they hear about it from the NLRB. There is much the employer must do if they want to fight the union and therefore the less time they have to deal with the matter, the less likely they are to win the case. Before the vote, the employer may challenge the showing of interest by claiming that the signatures on the cards are not genuine, or that they have been tainted by supervisory involvement in the union’s campaign, or that the union has understated the number of employees in the unit that it seeks to represent. It would then be up to the Board to investigate these claims. The employer can also require a secret ballot election to gage the true interest of employees who may have been pressured into originally voting for the union. Finally, the employer only has the time between the petition being signed and the vote to challenge the appropriateness of the union or raise other issues. Some of these issues include the number of employees in the union, the cause for unionizing, who can be included in the union (independent contractors, etc. ), and many others. There is much that an employer needs to do before the election happens and this is why I think the union groups would want a shorter period and businesses want to keep the longer period. There is not a whole lot a business can do once the election is held to fight the problems they see with the union. If they only have a short time to investigate everything on the petition, the business might miss something that could hurt them once the election happens. Likewise, if the election happens and the business misses something, the union could gain a huge advantage when discussing wages, work conditions, and other issues at hand. It may not seem like a huge issue, but in reality this is a very important vote that businesses and unions will both want to pay close attention. NFL Labor Dispute From the middle of March until nearly the end of July, many people were wondering if there would be professional football played this fall and winter. The labor dispute was very much in the public eye and given that it is the most popular sport in America, there was no shortage of fear that the season would not happen. The list of issues between the owners and players was extremely long which made settlement that much more tedious and difficult to achieve. The number one issue in the dispute, as it is in most disputes, was money. The owners were asking for an additional $1 billion from the league’s roughly $9 billion of total revenue. The union estimated that this would cut its share of revenues by 18 percent. Before the new agreement, the owners got $1 billion to cover expenses associated with running the league and the remaining money was split roughly 60%-40% for the players. Factoring in the initial credit expense received by the owners, the players were receiving about 51%. The owners wanted to take an additional $1 billion off the top for expenses (for a total of $2 billion before splitting up the rest of the revenue). The players, suffice to say, were not on board with this at all. Another issue that needed to be resolved was whether or not to add two more games to the regular season (increasing it from 16 to 18 games). The players resisted this action heavily because of the concerns over health and longevity in the league. The owners say this change as a good thing because it would bring in an additional (estimated) $500 million to be split between both parties. However, the players wanted a reduction of mandatory off-season work and improved health coverage in post-career care. The owners also wanted a rookie wage scale to reduce the huge salaries going to top draft picks. In an open letter to fans NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, wrote that without a new CBA, â€Å"outrageous† sums will continue being paid to â€Å"unproven rookies. † A new deal could leave more money for former players and veterans. Two other smaller issues that needed to be resolved in order for a season to start included financial disclosure and benefits for retired players. The owners were arguing that owning a NFL team was actually losing them money and they needed more in order to keep things running smoothly. The players demanded that the owners open their books to prove they were actually heading for financial disaster. The owners, however, said the players had all the information they needed to understand that owning an NFL team was a â€Å"losing gig. † The other issue doesn’t really need much explanation. Many players who are no longer in the league suffer from many different problems, including depression and head issues, and the NFLPA simply wanted more attention to go to retired players. After 136 long days, the lockout finally ended. Football was back. In the end, I would have to say that neither side really â€Å"lost† with the new agreement. The owners now will keep 52% of the revenues, not the 47% from the previous collective bargaining agreement, but they also will have to operate with a $120 million salary cap, with an additional approximately $20 million for benefits, and have a guaranteed spend. In the end, the two sides are splitting $9 billion, tough to say there is a loser there. The season will remain at 16 games, which the players like. The rookies may have lost a bit as they will not get as much as before, but this seems fair as some first-rounder picks were getting absurd amounts of money. Finally, the veteran minimum has gone up, which is a good thing, and there will be money set aside for retired players in terms of health care to deal with matters resulting from playing in the league. The NFL is a $9. 3 billion business today. Who knows what it will be in the future, but it will not be less. It will be probably be much, much more. There had to be a way the two sides could come to an agreement. There were other small caveats to the agreement, but in terms of the important issues like money and scheduling, I would say that neither side lost. NFL is as popular as ever and it’s only going to get bigger so the fact that it took so long to figure out how to split up $9 billion is a bit ridiculous. Regardless, I am just glad the sport is back in action.